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The system of electronic acceptance of scientific and technical projects will work soon



It is known that accounting of scientific and scientific-technical activities in the country, i.e. scientific, scientific and technical projects and programs financed from the state budget and reports on their implementation are carried out at JSC "NCSSTE". According to the results of current year, about 2500 reports of state-funded scientific projects were taken to the state registration. We asked for more information about this from Kamarsulu Eleukenovna, Director of the Department of formation of information resources of JSC “NCSSTE”.

- What is the percentage of scientific projects financed by the Committee of Science?
- 70% of scientific projects are implemented through the program-targeted financing allocated from the Committee of Science of the Ministry of Education and Science. The remaining 30% are funded by other ministries through the program-targeted financing. Approximately 62% of the reports are conclusions about the research projects carried out within the framework of the Grant Financing for 2015-2017, which will expire in 2017.
According to the state registration of implemented reports, 47% were made by research institutes, 28.6 by universities, 10.4% by research centers, and 14% prepared by other organizations and individuals.
- What is the proportion of science spheres in the final report?
- According to the scientific fields of implemented projects, the priority is given to the area of technical and applied sciences – 58.6%, natural and exact sciences – 21.4%, social sciences – 16.5%, general sectoral problems – 3.5%. Currently, we are still receiving reports.
- What changes are planned in the system of receiving reports on scientific, scientific and technical projects and programs?
- Next year, from 2018, it is planned to receive reports on scientific projects in electronic system. This will be effective for both, reporting agencies and individuals. Today, the prerequisites for effective electronic systems are being developed.
Interviewed by Arailym Bimendieva, Department of Public Relations

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